AiOps-RRM-Overview-1536x1060 (1)

RUCKUS AI RRM が Wi-Fi 環境を管理します。お客様が介入する必要はありません。

Today’s enterprise networks are increasingly difficult to manage. A major challenge, the radio environment is highly dynamic, complex and continuously changing. More client devices are mobile and roaming throughout buildings and venues, while technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT) introduce new challenges to the wireless environment.

Additionally, with the introduction of the 6 GHz spectrum, Wi-Fi® networks have many choices with multiple frequency bands, channels, and channel widths. The 6 GHz spectrum alone has 59 distinct channels, while 5 GHz offers up to 25.

While it may seem counterintuitive, this abundance of choice results in burdensome Wi-Fi spectrum management and an increased likelihood of higher RF interference, which in turn results in poorer-performing networks. RF interference is arguably the single biggest performance issue with modern Wi-Fi networks.



Cloud monitoring

AI RRM operates in the cloud and utilizes proprietary techniques to monitor the network and identify wireless performance issues. Every day, AI RRM runs in the background, assessing the current state of the network. It constantly monitors for any radio interference that may have developed due to changing network conditions.


Minimize RF interference

Once per day, AI RRM assesses based on the latest wireless data analysis and suggests modifications to the AP) configurations to drive RF interference as low as possible. It utilizes three primary Wi-Fi radio characteristics to tune the AP: transmit power (Tx power), operating channel, and/or channel bandwidth. In full optimization mode, AI RRM tunes the network to achieve the highest capacity and reliability.


Maximum flexibility

AI RRM also includes a "Partial Optimization" mode that will only adjust the operating channel. This option does not consider adjusting other wireless parameters, such as Tx power and channel width. Partial Optimization provides more flexibility for customers who want to retain more control over certain network functions.

Partial optimization is useful in a variety of scenarios. For example, a portion of the network may need to be highly optimized for maximum throughput. APs might need more aggressive performance settings, such as maximum output power and channel bandwidth, to achieve maximum throughput. Wi-Fi channel planning and ongoing management of the RF environment can be challenging tasks. But with AI RRM, managing the RF environment becomes practically an autonomous task, tremendously easing the burden of administrators.

AI RRM is the perfect solution for most vertical markets
Enhance digital learning

Reliable and agile connectivity is at the core of digital learning trends in modern classrooms. With AI RRM, students and teachers can spend more time on learning and less on downtime and slow, unreliable connections. Areas with additional bandwidth needs are identified and preserved, while areas that need stability are also preserved.




Provide faster, more reliable hotel connections

With reliable and fast internet speeds, AI RRM can improve guests’ connectivity experiences, which helps improve their overall satisfaction and reduces complaints and poor reviews—and makes them more likely to return.



Deliver the best possible managed-residence experience

n managed Wi-Fi environments such as multi-dwelling units, delivering consistent and reliable Wi-Fi experience can make a huge difference in tenant experience, and therefore plays a critical role in keeping occupancy rates as high as possible. RRM helps ensure the service provider delivers the best Wi-Fi experience possible across the property to all the tenants.




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