
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

While RUCKUS is a market leader in edge networking solutions, it’s our people that make the difference! This was never more the case than our dedicated and seasoned Federal region team, whose mission is to deliver a better user experience for your agency. RUCKUS networks enables federal organizations to update their network in a scalable, cost-efficient and secure manner by offering a certified portfolio of wired and wireless connectivity solutions and services fit for purpose. Contact us today to see what a difference we make for your agency operations!

Sales Team

John McDonald FED Region Director
John Finfrock DoD, Intel Sales Executive
Joe Patti DoD Sales Executive
Chad Patterson DoD/Intel/NASA Sales Executive
Carson Gaeger Associate Territory Account Manager


Brian Wright Director
Grant Busby Sr. Engineer
Rick Macchio Consulting Engineer
Michael Selheim Consulting Engineer
Ed Wyatt SE Manager
John Gatewood Systems Engineer


Joe Muscarella Director


Mike Kearns FED Practice Manager

Business Development

Bruce Caridi Manager

We're here to help

RUCKUSは、当社がサービスを提供する産業の厳しい環境で、パフォーマンスを発揮するパーパスドリブンのネットワークを構築・提供します。Meet our team to find out how we can help you advance in the federal space

Meet RUCKUS sales team

ブログ:連邦政府環境における IoT パワーの活用、パート1

As federal agencies increasingly adopt IoT technologies, the need for a network that delivers robust connectivity and top-tier security becomes critical.

1800 x 1013 DOD-airforce1
ケーススタディ:Reliable WiFi and CBRS for Airforce Base Operations

米空軍は、格納庫や倉庫のような大きな金属製構造物に対して並外れたレベルのカバレッジを必要としていました。Read how RUCKUS access points delivered both Wi-Fi and private LTE connectivity over CBRS bands.


Meeting federal security certification requirements is critical for our customers to defend against ever- present hacking attempts. これらの規格要件を満たすスイッチ、Wi-Fi アクセスポイント、コントローラーの RUCKUS ポートフォリオを提供しています。Go to our certifications page here