Hengs Technology

HENGS case study

RUCKUS® Networks enterprise-class Wi-Fi solution, designed for medium- to large-scale wireless network environments, is equipped with radio frequency (RF) and Wi-Fi® optimization technologies. It also comes bundled with the powerful RUCKUS SmartZone™ network controllers. This has helped Hengs Technology Co., Ltd. (TPE:4582) achieve a significant boost in wireless network stability as the company evolves into a global leader in the renewable energy management group. 

專為中大型無線網路環境設計的 RUCKUS Wi-Fi 企業級無線基地臺解決方案,具備射頻與 WiFi 最佳化技術,也附贈功能強大的 Ruckus SmartZone 管理工具之外,助聚恆科技(TPE:4582)的無線網路穩定性飆升,穩健邁向全球再生能源管理集團的龍頭寶座.



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